Constitution Of The United States, The Supreme Law of the Land. Will Not Defend Without Patriots.

Is Your Public or OutSide Lawyer or Judge Listed?

NAZI Search

Welcome to LivRight – LivRight is established to protect people that are being manipulated, pressured and down right persecuted by hostile, police, lawyers, and judges for a crime or crimes they did not commit.  The only tools for America and other countries to protect themselves is knowledge and a system that the political and legal system fear. A simple question is why don’t the law offices and individual lawyers have a review system in Google?

If you are a public servant you are listed in LivRight for reasons of serving the criminal NAZI agenda.

More than likely you already know why. We have published public records, and they depict you as a potential public criminal. You receive protection and are not facing charges because judicial immunity shields you.

Public Politicians & Servants

You were given knowledge and full disclosurer of the criminal activities of your legal system and the individuals involved in obstruting justice. You did nothing to protect the rights of the individual under The Constitution of the United States the Supreme law of the land.


Preloader ImageSteven Wolfson District Attorney

Steve Wolfson, District Attorney – Lawyer – NAZI SS

Eric Goodman

Eric Goodman Judge Lawyer Las Vegas  SS NAZI

Diane Sullivan Judge Las Vegas

Diane Sullivan Judge Judge Lawyer Las Vegas

Carolyn Goodman Mayor

Carolyn Goodman Mayor Nazi SS

Tara Clark Newberry Judge Las Vegas

Tara Clark-Newberry Judge Lawyer Las Vegas Nazi SS

Carolyn Goodman Mayor

Carolyn Goodman Mayor Nazi SS

Steven Wolfson District Attorney

Steven Wolfson District Attorney – Nazi SS

Jake Gullo Attorney

Jake Gullo Attorney – Nazi

Steven Wolfson District Attorney

Steven Wolfson District Attorney – Nazi SS

Jake Gullo Attorney

Jake Gullo Public Attorney – Nazi


Las Vegas Top Ten List To Be Removed From Public Service


Preloader ImageSteven Wolfson District Attorney

Steve Wolfson, District Attorney – Lawyer – NAZI SS

Eric Goodman

Eric Goodman Judge Lawyer Las Vegas  SS NAZI

Diane Sullivan Judge Las Vegas

Diane Sullivan Judge Judge Lawyer Las Vegas

Tara Clark Newberry Judge Las Vegas

Tara Clark-Newberry Judge Lawyer Las Vegas Nazi SS

Carolyn Goodman Mayor

Carolyn Goodman Mayor Nazi SS

Steven Wolfson District Attorney

Steven Wolfson District Attorney – Nazi SS

Jake Gullo Attorney

Jake Gullo Attorney – Nazi


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