Steven Wolfson District Attorney or "NAZI SS"?

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Steven Wolfson District Attorney
Steven Wolfson has sadly lost his compass driven by the lust for income and desire for power. Steven Wolfson knows that the arrest report was a false claim of Felony Assault With A Deadly Weapon Upon An Elderly Person. He knows and gives leaderhsip to the police, prosecutors, defense attorney and now Judge Diane Sullivan to obstruct justice and find Russell Martin guilty of a crime he did not commit. This is why people go to jail for 20 years or more for crimes they did not commit. Steven Wolfson gives leadership to the objective of police officers to produce false arrest reports to induce a defendant like Russell Martin to employ an attorney to defend himself. The bills for Martin would be in excess of $20,000 to $100,000 dollars if a jury is engaged. Steven Wolfson knows that false witness reports, withholding of evidence, creation of false documents, pictures and videos being withheld and current videos representing deletion or tampering with police body videos. Read Details Below.
LivRight objective is to restore the Constitution of the United States and stop corruption in the police, legal system and public servants.

Statement From Russell Martin, Defendant
Steven Wolfson is already district attorney. His lack of moral fiber has allowed him to become a leader in the NAZI system. The process of LivRight is to remove him from public service.
Steven Wolfson has sadly lost his compass driven by the lust for income and desire for power. Steven Wolfson knows that the arrest report was a false claim of Felony Assault With A Deadly Weapon Upon An Elderly Person. He knows and gives leaderhsip to the police, prosecutors, defense attorney and now Judge Diane Sullivan to obstruct justice and find Russell Martin guilty of a crime he did not commit. This is why people go to jail for 20 years or more for crimes they did not commit. Steven Wolfson gives leadership to the objective of police officers to produce false arrest reports to induce a defendant like Russell Martin to employ an attorney to defend himself. The bills for Martin would be in excess of $20,000 to $100,000 dollars if a jury is engaged. Steven Wolfson knows that false witness reports, withholding of evidence, creation of false documents, pictures and videos being withheld and current videos representing deletion or tampering with police body videos. Read Details Below.
Las Vegas Police, Sheriffs Lawyers, Judges, District Attorneys, Attorney General have sadly lost there compass driven by income and power to serve the corrupt business model of The4thReich.
Steven Wolfson District Attorney or “NAZI SS”
Steven Wolfson District Attorney is a leader of the attorneys and judges that operate within the legal system. Above him is Aaron Ford Attorney General.
Is Steven Wolfson running a corrupt system that reflects the coming of The4thReich
Under Aaron Ford and Steven Wolfson leadership I was arrested for “Felony Assault With A Deadly Weapon Upon An Elderly Person.” Understand, the Las Vegas Clark County Nevada legal system business model resembles “The4thReich” the same may exist in your State, County or City. The business model and individuals who profit from the business model need to be removed from service. When this happens there will be less people in the court system and jails. Click on NAZI Criminal Business Model.
Steven Wolfson District Attorney
Russell Martin sent documents that represented he did not commit the charges and as a matter of fact that Robert Moos retired police officer attacked Russell Martin. Steven Wolfson was sent documents that public defenders Jake Gullo, Katrina Ross and Tony Worthman state investigator manifested false witness documents. Steven Wolfson declared them as “fugitive documents” There is a nefarious intent in this leadership.
Steven Wolfson Changes Charges to Keep Russell Martin from Jury Trial
Steven Wolfson District attorney changed the charges removing Russell Martin from District Court to Civil Court with intent to keep Russell Martin from a jury trial. The new judge, Judge Diane Sullivan is now denying Russell Martin rights to a jury trial as well as obstructing other state laws. The charges have been dropped from a felony to Battery Misdemeanor not for reasons of discovery. The reason is nefarious to keep Mr. Martin from a jury trial in District court.
Charges Again Reduced When Mr. Martin Requests a Jury Trial in Civil Court.
When transfered to Civil Court three new charges were created by Steven Wolfson that allowed Mr. Martin a jury court. Again two more charges were dropped when Mr. Martin demanded a jury court. Now the charges are down to one charge of Battery Misdemeanor and under this charge Nevada State Law allows defendant a jury trial and Steven Wolfson and Judge Diane Sullivan refused Mr. Martin a Jury Trial. This is a fundamental of The Constitution of the United States and Nevada State Law. Google It.
Obvious Conclusions:
Mr. Martin has concluded that all of the public defenders under Steven Wolfson leadership are following a business model to obstruct Mr. Martins defense. “The4thReich”. is clear and present under Aaron White and Steven Wolfson’s leaderhip. Their police people, public defenders, prosecutors and judges have all commit chargeable offences of obstructing justice by tampering with evidence as well as creating false arrest reports and false witness statements as well as other charable offense.
What Were The Signs?
District attorneys have the authority to decide whether or not to prosecute an accused person. When determining whether to prosecute someone, they consider details like the evidence presented in the discovery of information. Is there strong enough evidence that reveals someone else was responsible for the crime.
Steven Wolfson & Judge Diane Sullivan Refuse to Arrest a Retire Policeman.
The District Attorney has the power to arrest someone for crimes committed. They have power to abuse power. Steven Wolfson is an example of a covering up crimes committed by police, lawyers, judges and others. He still refuses to arrest Robert Moos the
Closing A Eye
Steven Wolfson is closing an eye and putting up a glass wall to protect his police, lawyers, and judges. He needs to be remove from office as well as Aaron Ford.
Remember The4thReich is an organization where all involved keep their mouth shut or they will not get their payrole. A person who works in the court as a court clerk or court guard becomes educated to the criminal activities of The4thReich and by saying nothing he or she is just as guilty as the police, lawyers, judges as a public servant. They have a choice to quit.
LivRight is demanding the resignation of Steven Wolfson. If he does not resign a BoyCott of Las Vegas will remain in place until Steven Wolfson and others are removed from public service.
See Public Court Records Attached.
Steven Wolfson District attorney you cannot trust. Russell Martin gave him witness statements and disclosures. Steven Wolfson knew what to do but follow the mandates of the power elite business model, The4thReich
Steve Wolfson is an example of what is wrong with the police, legal, and political system. These are documents that have been submitted to the FBI, Attorney General, Nevada Bar Association and Commission for Judicial Discipline. Where is the defense for an individual under the Constitution of the United States? There are no departments in the Government defending the law or Constitution of the United States. The fear Mr. Martin has is disclosing all this information of corruption.
Steven Wolfson is as guilty as Katrina Ross & Jake Gullo, Tony Worthman of chargable offenses as listed:
- Violating fudiciary trust with defendant Russell Martin
- Stonewalling court actions.
- Refusing to investigate false arrest report.
- Failing to give disclosure that Mr. Martin never struck Robert Moos to prosecutors or judge.
- Failing to submit for charges to be dropped based on evidence.
- Charges have now been dropped to misdemeanor battery due to Mr. Martin refusing to plead guilty and demanding a jury court. This is not the work of any defense attorney.
- If the pictures and videos that are now being delivered were availale four years ago the case would change direction and would have been done in six months. Also the truth would have come out that everyone in the legal system is corrupt.
Here are the attached PDF’s and Video disclosures. Every element of the police and legal system are criminal statements or tampered with evidence. Gabriel Villanueva false arrest report and Small Claims transcript. The list goes on and on.
Download & Read
Chris Adamson Public Defender Jake Gullo False Witness Testimony
Chris Adamson Real Notized Witness Testimony
This is Small Claims Judge Eric Goodman Public Court Transcript.
Small Claims Public Court Transcipt
Complaint Judge Eric Goodman Small Claims
The actions of Eric Goodman in small claims represents the legal system is corrupt. There is more and much more. Read about the other judges, lawyers, police.
Las Vegas Metro Police Declaration of Arrest
Las Vegas Metro Police Arrest Document Charges
Las Vegas Metro Police Arrest Document Blacked Out
Las Vegas Police Who Is AJ Pollock First Arrest Report
Picture of Robert Moos back of head. No damages to front of face.