Kevin McMahill Sheriff Las Vegas NV or "NAZI" SS?

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Kevin McMahill Sheriff Las Vegas or Nazi SS
There is a foundation of trust that America has in The Constitution of the United States that allows an individual rights. Kevin McMahill and the American political and Federal Superior Court leadership has broken this trust relationship. When the legal system becomes corrupt the only option is trust in The Constitution of the United States and the right to a jury trial. The Nevada Attorney General, District Attorney, Judges and all of the public defenders and prosecutors have supported efforts to deny Mr. Martin rights to a fair and just trial. The remaining charge of Battery Misdemeanor is a state law that allows Russell Martin a jury trial. This is the leadership and business model of Kevin McMahill. The4thReich
Mr. Martin is only one man standing up to give disclosure to this issue as well as other chargeable offenses of the legal professionals. However over time will more people come forward who have been falsely charged for crimes they did not commit. Mr. Martin is still enduring further encounters with the legal and police system that includes withholding police body videos and pictures as well as tampering with the videos cutting audio and content. Mr. Martin submitted an updated package to Kevin McMahill for final disclosure before engaging LivRight.
Read Details Below.
LivRight objective is to restore the Constitution of the United States and stop corruption in the police, legal system and public servants.

Statement From Russell Martin, Defendant
Kevin McMahill is violating a foundation of trust that America has in The Constitution of the United States that allows an individual rights. Joe Lombardo, Kevin McMahill and the American political and Federal Superior Court leadership has broken this trust relationship. However this is the GRAND OBJECTIVE of the ONE WORLD ORDER. When the legal system becomes corrupt the only option is trust in The Constitution of the United States and the right to a jury trial. The Attorney General, District Attorney, Judges and all of the public defenders and prosecutors have supported efforts to deny Mr. Martin rights to a fair and just trial. The remaining charge of Battery Misdemeanor is a state law that allows Russell Martin a jury trial. This is the leadership and business model of the Joe Lombardo. The4thReich
Mr. Martin is only one man standing up to give disclosure to this issue as well as other chargeable offenses of the legal professionals. However over time will more people come forward who have been falsely charged for crimes they did not commit. Mr. Martin is still enduring further encounters with the legal and police system that includes withholding police body videos and pictures as well as tampering with the videos cutting audio and content. Mr. Martin submitted an updated package to give final disclosure before engaging LivRight.
LivRight is demanding the resignation of Joe Lombardo. If he does not resign a BoyCott of Las Vegas will remain in place until Joe Lombardo and others are removed from public service.
Read Details Below.
Las Vegas Police, Sheriffs Lawyers, Judges, District Attorneys, Attorney General have sadly lost there compass driven by income and power to serve the corrupt business model of The4thReich.
Kevin McMahill Sheriff Las Vegas or Nazi SS
LivRight is demanding the resignation of Kevin McMahill If he does not resign a BoyCott of Las Vegas will remain in place until Kevin McMahill and others are removed from public service.
LivRight Leadership
LivRight is going to promote to the public that these professionals are narcissistic megalomaniac’s serving The4thReich. They need to be socially out casted from business and friends. Mr. Martin’s arrest was a manifested event created by a police officer Gabriel Villanueva. A police business model controls Gabriel Villanueva to be a criminal. As a police officer he accepts this role and risk. The business model is approved by Kevin McMahill. Mr. McMahill was given knowledge and warning to stop his persecution of Mr. Martin. Mr. McMahill was given full disclosure and he put up a glass wall so he can probable claim plausible denial. Mr. Martin should have never been arrested. If he was to be arrested it should have been misdemeanor assault. Robert Moos had no facial bruises, cuts or proof of damages. He fell down backward striking the back of his head on the floor.
Why Kevin McMahill puts up a glass wall?
Kevin McMahill will not communicate because there is a mafia business model in place and Kevin McMahill’s job is to follow the business model. Click on Nazi Criminal Business Model.
Understanding Kevin McMahill Business Model
Mr. Martin has been fighting the legal system for 4 years. The question is why? It is simple to understand that the police, sheriff, and public servant positions are business: a monopoly of crime on both sides. The legal system makes money while destroying Mr. Martin’s financial life. It is also a political business that engages voting. Why are police, sheriff’s, public servants paid so well? Why do you never hear about policeman being laid off from lack of arrests? Is government to big? Why is there inflation? Look at how big the police, sheriff and legal system is? It takes massive amounts of money to support the loyalty of police, sheriff’s, politicians, and public servants. The next question is where does this money come from?
Arrested Under Kevin McMahill Leadership.
When you are arrested you will quickly begin the process of asking how do I fight? It is so evident that the legal system is a production line. Mr. Martin understands that people need to go to jail for crimes. But under Kevin McMahill and Joe Lombardo’s leadership there is only one path and that is guilty. All involved parties of the arrest are involved with the business model. When you try to break through this glass wall you realize where the criminal elements come into play. Mr. Martin realized that the Constitution of the United States is being ignored, diluted, disrespected by leaders like Keven McMahil & Joe Lombardo.
All Public Defense and Prosecutor Attorneys are corrupted.
Under Kevin McMahill leadership the legal system and police system is corrupt. Because Mr. Martin realized that all attorneys are not your asset they are a liability. Non of the public defenders talked about or quoted the Constitution of the United States or state laws. Mr.Martin discharged all public defenders and did not engage a private criminal defense attorney.
Mr. Martin Needed an outside power structure to restore his rights under the Constitution of the United States as well as Nevada State Laws. He is engaging LivRight.
Mr. Martin had to develop another tool or tools to create real leadership results to restore The Constitution of the United States. The supreme law of the land. Mr. Martin turned this website, database and marketing over to the World of programmers and SEO professionals. They are the soldiers to bring a BoyCott on Las Vegas to Life and awareness. There is no justice in a police officers, lawyers, judges or politician when The4theReich exists in there business model. The last and only justice is with a jury trial or you are fucked.
Russell Martin’s Financial Life Destroyed.
How have the criminal police, legal and political system damaged Russell Martin’s financial income and life with his family? Mr. Martin had just finished the programming of GYMStarPro a weight lifting calculator that runs on a smart watch. He was recruiting the racquetball players and weight lifters to create some videos. Then he was attacked by Robert Moos retire police officer or chief. The public defenders told him that if he lost in court he would serve a minimum of five years in jail. Mr. Martin did not know that defending himself would take up so many hours. The process should have been done in 3 months or less. His income started to digress and he put GYMStar on hold. Time passed and the programming became obsolite. Four years later he has gone from 75,000 a year income and prospects of GYMStar a world wide application to 15,000 a year income. Kevin McMahill does not give a shit about Mr. Martin as well as all of the other public servants who serve under Kevin McMahill and Joe Lombardo. They will happily put an innocent man in jail go home and tell their family it was a great day at work. This method of social control is called “The4thReich”.
Robert Moos Attacker
I was attacked by Robert Moos a retired police officer who knows the system will protect him. Robert Moos is your typical narcissistic megalomaniac retired police officer who believes he is empowered to commit a criminal act and get away with it. This is true… Due to Nazi members like Kevin McMahill, Gabriel Villanueva a police officer like Robert Moos becomes a threat to citizens like me when trying to enjoy a hour or two at the gym. Kevin McMahill is an example of a Sheriff who puts up a glass wall when crimes by police, lawyers, judges are committed.. Welcome to The4thReich
Kevin McMahill Sheriff and Joe Lombardo are an example of what is wrong with the police, legal, and political system. These are documents that have been submitted to the FBI, Attorney General, Nevada Bar Association and Commission for Judicial Discipline. Where is the defense for an individual under the Constitution of the United States? There are no departments in the Government defending the law or Constitution of the United States. The fear Mr. Martin has is disclosing all this information of corruption.
Kevin McMahill has recieved all these documents and disclosures. If you navigated to this point you can download the documents to read they are all public court recorded documents.
Chris Adamson Public Defender Jake Gullo False Witness Testimony
Chris Adamson Real Notized Witness Testimony
This is Small Claims Judge Eric Goodman Public Court Transcript.
Small Claims Public Court Transcipt
Complaint Judge Eric Goodman Small Claims
The actions of Eric Goodman in small claims represents the legal system is corrupt. There is more and much more. Read about the other judges, lawyers, police.
Las Vegas Metro Police Declaration of Arrest
Las Vegas Metro Police Arrest Document Charges
Las Vegas Metro Police Arrest Document Blacked Out
Las Vegas Police Who Is AJ Pollock First Arrest Report
Picture of Robert Moos back of head. No damages to front of face