Judge Michael Villani Las Vegas NV or "NAZI" SS?

Judge Michael Villani

Be A Patriot

Vote To Control Government Public Servants

World Justic League

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LivRight objective is to restore the Constitution of the United States and stop corruption in the police, legal system and public servants. 

LivRight Mission Statement

Statement From Russell Martin, Defendant

If Michael Villani returns to the business as a lawyer run away refuse his public or private services in court or out of court. 

The4thReich – Judge Michael Villani lost control during his court room management calling Russell Martin a “Liar” after Mr. Martin called Jake “The Snake” a criminal for manafesting false witness statements. What Russell Martin was concerned with was that Judge Michael Villani did not verify the statements. He could have demanded the audios of the taking of statements. He did not because there were no recording of the phone calls. In addition to this issue was Mr. Martin demanding police body videos. Jake Gullo and Judge Villani put up a glass wall refusing to take action to the the videos. Jake Gullo did not record the coversation with Greg about the narcissistic megalomaniac conduct of Robert Moos in the raquestball courts. Russell Martin submitted Judge Michael Villani to the Commission for Judicial Disipline. Mr. Martin immediately realized that the court room is corrupt and everyone within the court room serving the judge is a NAZI operative. These court room professionals know what is going on and they accept the daily criminal activities of the legal system as normal.  LivRight questions how many people plead guilty just so they can go home? Judge Michael Villani has retired as a judge. However how many people have he judged as guilty to serve The4thReich.

Judges use their personal views, leadership and potentially overreaching judicial justice when they interpret the laws & Constitution in ways to achieve another goal. When Superior Court makes policy decisions that serve a court case it does not mean it may serve as legal justice for another case. However it becomes a tool for justification when another judge wants to aline with the business model or political 4thReich leadership. This is a method of legal justification for lawyers and judges. They believe they are impowered to decide the outcome of cases. This very reason is why a judges are obstructing Mr. Martin from a jury trial in both District Court and Civil Court. A jury trial is a fundamental right of The Constitution of the United States. Why is this being taken away from the individuals rights?

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Las Vegas Police, Sheriffs Lawyers, Judges, District Attorneys, Attorney General have sadly lost there compass driven by income and power to serve the corrupt business model of The4thReich.